Powers crews spend their time on top of hospitals not in them.
In an industry abundant with risk, Powers Roofing fosters safe work place practices that have led to their ability to continuously complete jobs safely. Having the latest equipment and fall protection devices is only part of having a comprehensive safety program. Acknowledging the hazards in roofing and knowing how to implement the appropriate type of protection needed for each job is also vital. Our site-specific safety plans show that every roof is unique and requires a plan that is as unique as the roof it is designed for. When it comes to safety, Powers Roofing knows that there is no cookie cutter solution for the buildings we serve and maintain. Frequent training helps crews recognize the hazards and how to safeguard themselves against them. The employees take part in regular training through several of their trade associations, insurance provider and Maine SafetyWorks. Most recently they completed an 8-Hour Supervisor Level: Fall Protection class through one of their affiliated organizations, ABC Maine.

It is with great honor I have the privilege of knowing the guys of Powers Roofing & Sheet Metal of Caribou, Maine. An ABC member since 2003 who has always prided themselves on a safe and educated workforce. Their Safety Training and Evaluation Process speaks of their remarkable safety ethic. Powers Roofing & Sheet Metal has been a recipient of the ABC STEP Award for the past 15 years and every year they add to their collection which is proudly displayed on the wall of their conference room.
This family owned business knows what it means to their reputation to be deemed a safe and responsible contractor. Their commitment to the highest quality of work is the reason why their business continues to be successful after 70 years. ABC Maine is proud of the accomplishments of Powers Roofing and Sheet Metal, Congratulations!
Hope Perkins
President & CEO
Associated Builders & Contractors of Maine